Our Story
Welcome to Bohe By Neetu, a label that celebrates the fusion of contemporary fashion with timeless bohemian aesthetics. Our brand is the result of a unique vision by our founder, Neetu AM, whose international career of over two decades as a fashion curator has shaped the true essence of Bohe. Through her passion for design and a commitment to sustainable fashion, Bohe By Neetu has evolved into a brand known for its signature free-flowing silhouettes, intricate craftsmanship, and authentic bohemian vibes.


Our mission is to craft high-quality, timeless designer clothing that celebrates the beauty of natural fabrics and artisanal craftsmanship. We are dedicated to creating garments that transcend trends, offering our clients pieces they can cherish for years.


Our Vision

At Bohe By Neetu, our vision is to redefine contemporary fashion with a bohemian spirit, offering women clothing that combines elegance, comfort, and sustainability. We aim to create designs that resonate with the modern woman—empowering her to embrace her individuality while staying true to her personal style.


made from the finest materials and crafted with care


we work hard to bring you top-notch products at unbeatable prices.

From the

By cutting out the unnecessary layers of distribution, we ensure you get quality products at unbeatable prices.


Our Fit Promise

Thank you for being a part of our journey. We look forward to continuing to create fashion that not only looks good but also feels good—for you and for the planet.